This film poster represents the "Thriller/ Horror" film genre from the creativity of images and colouring. You are able to see that this film would not be a romance or a comedy film through the dark black side colouring and the actors who star in the film, who have their faces enlarged yet set as shadows from above, by doing this it symbolises that this film will contain thriller scenes making an creepy atmosphere throughout the film. You are also aware of the thriller genre from the image presented at the bottom of the poster which shows someone lying on a table in an opeating theatre surrounded by doctors/ nurses who are looking down at the body, this represents how the body laying could be dead or that the people around are not really who they are and have tortured the body. The film titles used are in an light blue colour which shows much softer giving a contrast towards the image. The title of the film "AWAKE" is shown in the colour white with a shadow effect around the outside which adds to the effect and atmosphere of the poster. Each technique and tool used on the image are effects that link with a thriller genre film.

This film poster is very different to the one above although it shows elements of darkness it represents the thriller film genre very differently. You are able to define that this is a thriller film from the actress presented in the middle of the poster who is also the focal image. Although the film poster contains darkness around the edges it also incorporates alot of brightness and this is shown from the face presenting the poster, especially as her face is lite up yet her eyes around the outside are in a heavy black eyeliner and then her actual inside of her eye is presented very colourful and this is from the whiteness of the eyeball in which lifts the colouring and makes her eyes look very strong and is represented to be much more powerful. With this you are able to identify that it is an thriller film but also that she represents how she is feared from know one.
The film titles and font used on this film poster is much more different, i like how they have created an effect of which the title of film is in pur white across her face in an boldish way but also how it has been made alot bigger ad thicker yet very faint and runs across the top of her face. This also adds to the thriller film effect and ake an audience member inquire what the film presented may be about. They have also used the starring actors name right at the top of the page in which has also been presented in a white colour effect and used in a bold writting font in which as a audience member you shall be able to see very clearly.

This film poster also fits into the thriller film genre, even though most people think thta it does not. This film poster is very different from the posters i have analysed from above, This is from the range of coloured effect and image presented. Most people would look at the image used and think of a normal story of "Red Riding Hood" yet that is not the case, this image represents how she is running away this is presented from the loation used which is a forest but also the movement image captured in which shows her body language and expression on her face, this image shows a good representation of a thriller genre. The colours that have also been incorporated into the image show a great link towards the genre and this is from the deep colour of red used but also as it contrasts well with the harsh darkness ans blurred effect for the trees but also the small, faint snowflakes that appear within the background of which adds an extra efffect into the film poster. I also like howthe style of writing on the film poster is different from the previous posters, the film titles are represented in a variety of writing fonts, sizes and colour the main title is used in a dark red in which is in a unique font style which links in well with both genre or film and film title. By them using a variety of writting techniques it helps to make the poster more interesting and adds a bigger depth of detail into the image.

The film poster to the right is very unqiue. The poster shows a young girl who is represented very clean and harmful, she is represented in a variety of bright colours of which trick the thriller film genre. Yet within the image there is a variety of thriller elements and this is shown through the darkened area on the young girls eyes, they are very dark squinted but also around the top and bottom show shadowin of which reflects onto her face, the young girl is also lightened by a reflected atmosphere around her as if she was a ightbulb which works well with the darkened grey background. The young girl also has a piece of ribon of which is placed tightly around her neck, this is now represeting that it is a thriller genre. The film titles used are placed in a variety of locations which is at the top and bottom, they are each written in a different font, each of which work well together as the top title is shown very bold and stronger but the actual title of film is presented in a dismantled font in which is sketched and written of how a young child would. I feel that this film poster shows a great use of emotion and expression leaving the audience questioning what the film would be about. It is shown as a plain and placid poster of which has been created with an creepy atmosphere and worked very well. Although there is not alot of writting and just one photo with a plain background i feel that this film poster has been put together very well and gives the use of a thriller film. When finalising our groups film poster i shall relate back to this poster as i have found it very inspiring and unique as even though it seems simple there has been a great use of creativty to provide this image.

This film poster has been used in a very manly way, in which you are able to locate and identify the target audience. I feel that this is alos very different but you are able to link it with the thriller genre from the image used, their is an middle aged man who is holding a gun in which has some dirty buildings to the left hand side of him but also the Ifle Tower in Paris behind him. From the positioning of each image and what the actor is both dressed in and holding you are able to realise that this film is a thriller in which shall include fighting and suspense throughtout. This is also identified from the writting used "They took his daughter, He'll take their lives", from this saying it makes the audiences reaction realise that this film shall be full of energy. The writing provided on the poster is in the same font which is not very small but also in a grey at the top and red at the bottom in which adds effect into the poster and tje audience is able to read the names of actors and the quotes in which are written over the lower part of the actors body. Each title is the same exept from the main film title which is "Taken" by this being different you as the audience are able to realise that this is the main title of the film, this is also shown from the bold writting of which is represented in capital letters and made to look as if it has been painted on, this film title has also been placed in the brightly colour of red. I feel that by producing a poster like this it makes it much stronger and contributes alot of meaning into the thriller film genre.